A graphic that reads homework survival guide

Research Guides

Want to request a research guide? Contact Pam at [email protected].



Links to biographies of artists, theories, criticisms, and forums.

An encyclopedia of artists, artworks, museums, movements, and mediums.

Art Dictionaries
Various dictionaries of art terms:  Creative GlossaryRex Art Glossary of Art TermsArtelino Glossary of Japanese ArtGlossary of Watercolor PaintingThe National Gallery GlossaryGetty Vocabularies

Digital Public Library of America
Look at digital versions of resources from many different libraries, museums, and similar places around the country.

Explore the elements and principles of art and design.

Google Arts & Culture (app available for iOS and Android)
This app provides knowledge from of more than 2,000 cultural institutions across the world. Zoom in on paintings, go on virtual tours, and read numerous articles. This app also features an art selfie that will find a portrait that looks like the viewer.

Music Theory Web
This site provides interactive tutorials and exercises on music theory.

Perseus Project
An evolving digital library of resources of the ancient world.

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Library & Archives
Did you know that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio has a library? Among other things, the library has compiled research guides to assist in gathering resources for music groups that have been inducted into the Hall of Fame.


SimpleMind (available for iOS and Android, free with in-app purchases)
Brainstorm and organize thoughts for stronger writing with a mind map.

Wattpad (available for iOS and Android)
Write on the go with this app. Share stories, read stories, give and receive feedback. This app also provides resources to help improve writing.


An online dictionary, thesaurus, and foreign language translator.

Use this writing assistant to help compose better emails, documents, and more.

ipl2 Literary Criticism
A compilation of websites about authors and their writings. Can be browsed by author, title, period, or nationality.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab
An online resource developed by Purdue University to help you conquer the mindset “I can’t write.” OWL provides tips and resources from assisting with the writing process and using correct grammar to correctly citing sources and developing your own unique writing style.

An online citation machine.


Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government 
Select a grade level and explore various aspects of the government. It also provides links to historical documents and a comprehensive list of government-run websites.

CIA World Factbook
Developed by the CIA, this resource provides information on such topics as the people, economy, and transportation of countries. ​

Explore Census Data
Gain access to important statistics such as population, race, and poverty level of each community in the United States.

National Archives and Records Administration
Archives and maintains recent and historical government documents. Documents can be viewed and printed.

Odyssey Online
Discover the cultures of ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, and more.

Simple History
Learn history in no time by watching short animated videos.

Teen Kids News
Keep up on current events, entertainment, and the latest trends.

This Day in History
Find out what happened on this day in history.

World History Matters
Created by the Center for History and New Media, this sites provides links to various points of history, including women’s history.


NASA App (available for iOS and Android)
View images, watch videos, follow missions, listen to podcasts, and stay up-to-date with NASA events.

National Science Foundation: Science Zone (available for iOS and Android)
Features videos, photos, and discoveries from space to the planet Earth.

Periodic Table (available for iOS and Android)
Features an information overload on the chemical elements.

PhotoStudy (available for iOS and android)
Snap a photo of the science or math problem and connect with a tutor for a ten-minute session.



Free math and science tutoring service. Call, chat, or email a tutor for help. Provides video tutorials and other resources for additional help. ​

How Stuff Works
From shark attacks to surviving the cold, this website has answers to life’s questions.

Hubble Site
Learn about the new discoveries found by the Hubble Telescope.

Khan Academy
Watch instructional science videos and more.

Periodic Table of Elements
An interactive periodic table containing information about each element such as density, atomic radius, and melting point. Can be translated into 8 languages.


Desmos (available for iOS and Android)
Graphing calculator.

Khan Academy (available for iOS and Android)
Watch instructional videos on K-12 math and more.

Photomath (available for iOS and Android)
Find a solution to math problems with detailed step-by-step instructions just by taking a photo.

PhotoStudy (available for iOS and Android)
Snap a photo of the science or math problem and connect with a tutor for a ten-minute session.


Free math and science tutoring service. Call, chat, or email a tutor for help. Provides video tutorials and other resources for additional help.

Graphing calculator. Also available in an app for iOS and Android.

Khan Academy
Watch videos on K-12 math and more.

Math Central
This site is maintained by the University of Regina in Canada. It offers resources and answers to math questions.

Math Help
Provides in-depth instructions with videos, guided practice, and more. Provides test-prep courses.

Measurement Conversion
Converts all aspects of measurement, from cooking and force to temperature and mass.

Online Math Learning
Provides video tutorials, quizzes, games, and additional homework help for all areas of mathematics.

*Updated April 2020

Handy Links

Ohio Web Library
Search online databases through OWL.  Must own a DPLS Library Card to access.

Free productivity and note-taking web application offering an assortment of organizational tools.

Study Blue (Website & App)
Create flashcards, find notes and see study guides created by students, or ask questions.

Wolfram Alpha (Website & App)
Ask questions and receive answers on a wide range of topics. The website is free to use, but an upgrade offers more detailed help.