About StoryWalks®

A StoryWalk® is a fun and innovative way for people of all ages to exercise their bodies, as well as their minds. As you take your walk, you will come to posts which contain 2-page spreads of a picture book. By the time you have come full-circle, you will have read a book in its entirety.

StoryWalk® was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT, and developed with the help of Rachel Senechal of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalks® have been installed in 50 states and 11 countries including, Germany, Canada, England, Bermuda, Russia, Malaysia, and Pakistan! Share your StoryWalk® experience with us on social media using #dplslibraries and #DefianceCountyStoryWalk!


Defiance Public Library System’s first-ever StoryWalk, installed in 2019, was located at Little Reservation Station Park in Sherwood, and was a partnership between the Village, Sherwood Branch Library, and area sponsors.


The Sherwood StoryWalk will soon be relocated to Moats Park! 

A panel from the Bronson Park Storywalk showing the title page for the book I Know the River Loves Me. A green bench is in the background.


In June 2023, Defiance Public Library, along with project sponsors (the Friends of DPL, the City of Defiance, and the Defiance Rotary Club) added a StoryWalk to Bronson Park, 2121 Harding Road, Defiance.

Bronson Park

Cover of the book 3 little mittens, featuring a small girl looking at 3 mittens in the snow.

Coming soon: Moats Park

Green banner with text reading New books coming soon.

Sponsor a story in Sherwood

Story sponsorship is available for $50. If you sponsor a story, you may choose a title (pending library approval; must be family-friendly and no more than 32 pages). You may also personalize the story by adding a short bio or writeup explaining what the story means to you.

Contact Sherwood Branch Library at 419-899-4343 or email Kathy Holtsberry for more information. Community members, businesses, or organizations wishing to make a donation to the StoryWalk® may send a check to the Sherwood Branch Library, c/o Kathy Holtsberry. Checks should be made out to “Sherwood Branch Library.”

Sherwood branch manager Kathy Holtsbery standing in a park with 2 young girls reading a page from the Sherwood Storywalk.