As Defiance Public Library System offers community gathering places of learning for children and adults of all ages, the Ohio General Assembly has enacted the Concealed Carry Legislation to include an exemption for public libraries as a permissible location for concealed weapons.
Defiance Public Library System, therefore, does not permit weapons of any kind, either concealed or in plain sight, on its property or in its buildings, unless the owner of the weapon is a law enforcement officer.
Signs are posted in the libraries to notify the public that the library is exempt from the Ohio Concealed Carry law, as required by Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2923.126[B][9].
Books are defined as damaged if they have one or more of the following:
- Spilled drinks/ water (liquid) exposure to pages /cover
- Puncture damaged to cover/pages
- Chew marks from pets or children
- Pictures/pages torn / ripped out
- Food stains
- Ink, highlighter and crayon marks
- Lift a flap or other book accessories are torn /missing
- Spine damaged beyond normal use
AV items are defined as damaged if they have one or more of the following
- Deep scratches beyond normal use
- Cracked or broken discs
- Not returned in appropriate case
- Patron will be charged a $2.50 case replacement fee for returning AV items in a damaged case or without a case.
Patron purchased replacements for lost/damaged material will not be accepted
Department/Branch Managers will make all final decisions on whether a patron should be charged for damaged item
Department/Branch Managers will use his/her discretion as to case damage being caused during shipment through cargo.
Internet Access/Computer Use Policy – Updated 9.29.21
(This policy must be read and agreed upon by patron and/or legal guardian before Internet access or computer use is provided. Download a printable version you can sign here.)
The Defiance Public Library System provides access to the internet so library users may access informational and educational resources that augment the library’s physical collections. The library may restrict resources that are inconsistent with the library’s material selection policy. The library may also restrict access to internet hosts that are known to distribute data that could be harmful or detrimental to the library network’s security or functionality and/or hosts that are known to distribute data contrary to law.
The Defiance Public Library System complies with CIPA by filtering all computers in its library buildings for pornography. Computers in the children’s rooms are also filtered for adult themes, alcohol, chat, classifieds, dating and drugs.
Internet access is considered a privilege and patrons are expected to abide by all rules, policies, and regulations governing its use.
Guidelines for Use:
Patrons are responsible for using the library’s access to the internet in an appropriate manner. Parents and/or legal adult guardians of minor children are responsible for supervising their minor child[ren]’s Internet use.
Patrons must have a valid library card or picture ID to access the Internet. Patrons must resolve outstanding fees before gaining access to the computers. Children can get a guest pass for the children’s Internet computers at the circulation desk.
Use of the computers is on a first-come, first-served basis. Computer use is limited to one hour per day. However, if no one is waiting to use the computers, patrons may extend their use. Each computer is to be used by one person at a time unless a second person is functioning as an assistant. At no time shall there be more than two persons per computer. Users are expected to respect the rights of others and to conduct themselves in a responsible manner.
Patrons should possess basic computer skills prior to using the library’s computers. Library staff cannot provide individualized training to patrons.
There is a charge for printing from the library’s computers. Payment for printouts must be made prior to leaving the building.
Access to or display of obscene language and sexually explicit graphics as defined in Sections 2907.01 and 2907.31 of the Ohio Revised Code is strictly prohibited.
U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use.” Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Use of another’s account to access the Internet is prohibited. Users are prohibited from misrepresenting themselves as another user; attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging, misusing, or altering hardware or software components of any network or database. Attempting to circumvent library security or computer management systems is prohibited.
All personal documents must be saved on the user’s own storage devices. Users are not permitted to save materials to the library’s computers because library computers will not retain saved documents.
Access to the internet stations may be managed differently in each library location.
The Internet is an information resource beyond what one can find in the traditional library collection. It is not regulated by the library staff or any government or commercial entity. Therefore, some information found on the Internet may be controversial, inaccurate, misleading, or objectionable. Information available through the Internet is not guaranteed by the library to be accurate, authoritative, factual, or complete. All users of this service agree to hold the library harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liability, directly or indirectly relating to this service and/or the network information available via this service. In no event shall the library have any liability for lost profits or for indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages or any liability to any third party.
The library assumes no liability for any loss or damage to user’s data or devices, or for any personal damage or injury incurred as a result of using the library’s computing resources. This includes damage or injury sustained from invasions of the user’s privacy.
Misuse of Computers and/or Internet Access:
Misuse of library computers and/or violation of this policy will result in the loss of computer and Internet privileges. Individuals using library resources for illegal purposes will be reported to law enforcement and may be subject to prosecution.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to change this policy as needed.
Patrons with a library card may borrow library materials or obtain use of library internet equipment.
Juveniles ages 5-12, young adults ages 13-17, and adults are eligible for a library card.
Library Card Application Procedure
Eligibility Requirements
Any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in the state of Ohio is eligible to
receive a Defiance Public Library System card free of charge. Parents or legal guardians who signed
permission for a juvenile’s library card may use the juvenile’s library card. Use of all other library
cards is limited to use by the person whose name appears on the card. The library will merge or
delete the records of any user found to have multiple active cards.
Any person not meeting the state of Ohio residency requirement will be issued a Defiance Public
Library System library card upon payment of a fee established each year by the Board of Trustees.
The single paid library card may be used by all members of an immediate family. The library will
merge or delete the records of any user found to have multiple active cards.
All materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date. Library materials due may be
returned to any of the Defiance Public Library System locations in Defiance, Hicksville, or Sherwood.
Fines accrue for items returned after their due date. Cardholders are responsible for all fines
incurred and for lost or damaged materials borrowed on their library card. Library card records with
fines/fees in the amount of $25.00 or more will be sent to our debt collection agency.
The cardholder must agree to the following:
- Report a lost/stolen card immediately
- Pay all fines/charges for the late return, loss of, or damage to all material borrowed on this
When applying for a Defiance Public Library card, an applicant must show proof of identity and that
he/she lives, attends school, or pays property taxes in Ohio.
To apply for a card; one of the following valid Ohio State picture IDs may be used to verify the identity
and address of the applicant:
- Current driver’s license
- Current photo learner’s permit
- Current non-driver’s identification
Young Adults (ages 13-17) can show the same ID as adults. Alternatively, young adults may present
1 of the following, provided name and address are included in the documentation:
- Current Ohio school photo ID
- Current BMV Ohio ID card http://www.bmv.ohio.gov/idrkids.stm
Juveniles (ages 5-12) must have their application completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian
who shows proof of their identity and address.
If the above documentation is not available, any 2 of the following forms of identification are
acceptable for adults and/or young adults, provided one shows a photo and/or signature and the
other the applicant’s current address:
- Current Ohio college or university photo ID card
- Current employee photo ID card
- Current Armed Services ID card
- Alien Registration photo ID card
- Matricula Consular (Mexican CID)
- Current passport
- Medicare/Medicaid card
- Birth certificate
- State of Ohio motor vehicle registration
- Professional, vocational or union photo ID
- Current rent bill or lease agreement
- Tax bill or receipt*
- Statement from a homeless shelter dated within last 30 days
- Bank statement**
- Cable, phone or utility bill**
- Any piece of mail delivered by the US Post Office**
**Note: Any of the above must be dated within the last 3 months, as indicated by the postmark or date of printed statement. The name and address provided to verify identification must match the information entered on the application. Cardholders are required to report change of name or address information promptly.
Special Notes on Young Adult Borrowers
Young Adults who are age 13 through 17 must present identification that indicates their grade level
or age to obtain an application for a library card.
- A parent/guardian may verify his/her child’s age in the absence of identification.
- Parents/guardians of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 may be given information about
overdue materials only, upon presentation of the youth’s library card barcode number, printed
overdue notice, or personal identification that confirms that the adult is the youth’s
Special Notes on Juvenile Borrowers
- Children may be present to receive their library cards, but their presence is not required.
- A juvenile’s application form must be signed by a parent or guardian. If a parent/guardian is not present, special arrangements may be made for the library card application to be taken home for completion and signature. Applications processed through the schools may waive proof of identity and address.
- On the library card application, parents/or guardians determine whether their child may borrow all library materials or specify limits on materials allowed to borrow.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for the lost or damaged materials borrowed by their children
Special Notes on Classroom/Homeschool Borrowers - Educators and home school providers in the State of Ohio are eligible to apply each year for a
Classroom card free of charge. Card is effective August 1, through June 10. - Applicants must provide:
- Proof of teaching status as a current teacher in an area school to be approved.; ie, school ID, OEA card, recent check stub or contract. Home schooling parents must show proof of homeschooling via state documentation or proof of enrollment in a virtual academy, or
be recommended by Youth Service/Branch Manager. - Teachers must provide a work email; homeschooling parents must provide a valid personal email.
- Cards will expire each June 11th. Exceptions may be granted for special circumstances, as
approved by the Director/Designee. - Library materials borrowed on a Classroom/homeschool card must be for classroom, not
personal use. - 50-item limit are checked out for six weeks, with no renewal, and no fines.
- Fees are collected on items lost or damaged.
Special Notes on Organizational Borrowers
- Cards of this type are available only to organizations located in Defiance County.
- Only one card will be issued to any organization. The organization must accept all financial
responsibility for use of the card by its employees. - Cards will expire each June 1. Exceptions may be granted for special circumstances, as approved by the Director/Designee.
- If the organization has a change of address or phone number, or the card is lost, the library must be notified immediately.
- 50 items limit are checked out for six weeks, with no renewal, and no fines.
- Fees are collected on items lost or damaged.
Special Notes on Homebound Borrowers
- The Homebound program is for individuals who can use regular library materials, but are unable to visit the library due to a temporary or permanent physical or age limitation or disability, or who reside in an assisted living or nursing home facility.
- 20 Item limit are checked out for six weeks, with no renewal, and no fines. Library staff may
determine lower limits based on library resources. - Fees are not collected on items lost or damaged.
Special Notes on Non-Resident (Visitor or Temporary) Borrowers
- Visitors with temporary addresses including homeless shelters or hotels, from out-of-state or
abroad are welcome to use the Library’s resources on-site, many of which do not require the
issuance of a library card for access to collections and Internet services. Visitors may be issued
restricted library card with an expiration date reflecting the brevity of their stay. - With the exception of a much sooner expiration date of up to three months from the date of
issuance, all other restricted user procedures are applicable.
Renewing or Validating Your Library Card
- All adult, teen and child library cards for cardholders in the Defiance Public Library System expire and must be renewed every three years.
- All Classroom and Organization library cards will expire on the date previously specified unless
special arrangements have been approved by the Director/Designee. - All cards will receive an automatic address check reminder every year.
- If you still have your card at the date of its expiration and you wish to renew it, there is no need
to apply for a new card.
Loan Periods, Renewals, and Fees
Unless exception is noted, the following apply:
- Regular Check-out period is 2 weeks, with 4 renewals allowed, if the item is not reserved for
another library user. - AV Browsing collection Check-out period is 1 week, with no renewal allowed.
- Fee for lost/damaged item is replacement cost. The library will accept replacement materials.
Item replacement will not be accepted unless prior arrangement is made.
If a lost item is found and returned in good condition within 6 months after payment, the
customer will receive be refunded the replacement cost upon request.
Lost and Replacement Library Cards
- When you apply for a Defiance Public Library System card, you accept responsibility for all
items on the card, all use of the card and all charges made against it. The Library must have
a record of your card having been reported lost, or it is not considered lost. It is to the
patron’s benefit to report the loss or theft of a library card immediately. - The original card will be deleted upon notification of lost status. The cost of replacing a lost
or stolen library card is $.50. This fee is assessed at the time the card is replaced.
Report lost cards by phone, in person at any Library location, or by e-mail
Library Notices
The Defiance Public Library System provides a notification service for held items, overdue materials
& other service-specific reasons. Notices are available via telephone, text or e-mail & the method by
which you receive them is chosen at the time you apply for a card. Additionally, notices and bills for
overdue material will be sent to the mailing address, email address, or text on record at the Library.
It is the responsibility of the borrower to notify the Library if any of their contact information
Note: In the case of borrowers who receive their notices by e-mail, it is their responsibility to make
sure that e-mails sent from addresses with [email protected] in the sender information
be allowed through any filters they may have in place on their Inbox.
Failure to receive a notice does not absolve the borrower from any fines or fees attached to their
patron record.
Revised 9/27/2017
We want people to use our facilities frequently and take full advantage of available materials, resources, and programs. It is our intent to provide a positive and welcoming experience for all library visitors. To maintain this atmosphere, the staff will intervene in situations at the Library that present danger to the safety of persons or property, interfere with the rights of others, constitute disturbing or inappropriate uses of the Library and/or that involve the commission of illegal acts. The following has been adopted and shall be posted at strategic places in the Library:
Defiance Public Library System Patron Code of Conduct
The established rules are based on the powers granted to a public library board of trustees under the Ohio Revised Code, Section 3375.40(H). These rules have been adopted for the comfort and safety of all those using library materials and services. They will be courteously and firmly enforced by the library staff. We ask your cooperation in maintaining a pleasant atmosphere, conducive to the effective use of library materials and services. As such, please note the following:
1. Covered drinks are permitted in the Library. Please dispose of trash properly.
2. Only service animals are permitted in the Library.
3. Petitioning, such as voting or ballot issues, is permitted on sidewalks, but petitioners cannot block building entrances/exits. Regulations for leased space take precedent over library policies.
4. Visitors must dress appropriately (shirts and shoes, please).
5. Patrons must not enter the Library with hygiene conditions or scents that interfere with others’ use of the Library.
6. Children under the age of 14 who are left at the Library for 15 minutes past closing may be reported to the police.
7. Disruptive behavior will not be permitted. This includes any activity, whether intentional or inadvertent, that interferes with the rights of others, physical abuse, abuse or threatening language and misuse of library furnishings and equipment. Expulsion from the Library and/or loss of library privileges may result from continued violations. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to:
a) Making unreasonable noise (speaking loudly, singing, snoring and listening to music at a volume noticed by others)
b) Provoking arguments, fighting and arranging fights on or off premises
c) Harassing other patrons and/or staff (deliberate or repeated behavior that is intimidating, offensive and/or hostile) in a manner that impacts patron use of the Library and/or staff work performance
d) Using profane, obscene or abusive language; racial or ethnic epithets
e) Possessing weapons or other items deemed dangerous by library staff
f) Using, selling or being under the influence of drugs (including alcohol) while on library property
g) Smoking and use of tobacco products or substitutes
h) Gambling, panhandling, and soliciting (including but not exclusive to money, handbills, coupons)
i) Monopolizing/obstructing space, seating, tables or equipment to the exclusion of others
j) Bathing, shaving, and/or washing clothes on premises
k) Committing theft, vandalism, or other illegal acts which are subject to prosecution
If you are confronted with the violation of any of these rules, please inform a staff member immediately.
Library staff are required to bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission which violates the Code of Conduct and related library policies. Such an individual will be asked to change his or her behavior to conform to the rules. If a change is not evident or forthcoming, that individual will be asked to leave the library building and library property. Failure to leave, if asked, may result in the police being called and a possible charge of criminal trespass per Section 2911.21 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Depending on the severity of the violation, individuals who have been asked to leave the building may be evicted and barred from returning to the Library for varying periods of time. Individuals who have been evicted may be required to discuss the violation with the Library Manager or Director before being readmitted. Juveniles may be required to bring a parent or guardian for such a conference.
Updated 9.25.24
The Defiance Public Library System (“DPLS”) is committed to the principles of the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement. These principles are essential to the preservation of our democracy and the development of an informed perspective.
Consistent with our mission statement, the library system seeks to provide programming that serves the diverse interests and concerns of its citizens of all ages. DPLS’s Director is responsible for assigning specific staff and responsibilities regarding the selection and promotion of programs.
Programs are selected based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to expressed interest, perceived interest based on circulation statistics, needs of the community, and encouragement of lifelong learning. Staff may select programs to promote other library services, such as databases, materials, and future program offerings. DPLS strives to present programs which exhibit a balance of viewpoints, voices, and ideas.
Any program that is primarily commercial, religious, or politically partisan in nature will generally not be presented by DPLS. Any such program shall require prior approval from the Director, which approval will typically be withheld.
DPLS does not endorse particular beliefs or viewpoints and scheduling a program does not indicate agreement of the viewpoint expressed by the presenter or presentation. This pertains to all programs, including those run by DPLS staff members, such as book or film discussion groups.
Defiance County citizens, community organizations, or DPLS patrons seeking to sponsor a program using a meeting room may refer to the DPLS Meeting Room Policy for requirements, rules and restrictions.
Responsibility of what any individual reads, listens to, or views must lie with the individual. DPLS may suggest certain age guidelines depending on the nature of a program, however, DPLS does not act in loco parentis in selecting programs and restricting access.
Responsibility for minors attending programs rests with parents and guardians.
DPLS’s Director and Board of Trustees welcome the comments of any patron regarding the services, materials, or program content offered by DPLS. Any challenge to library programs is addressed in accordance with DPLS’s policy “Request for Reconsideration of Materials or Programs.”
Approved 10/26/22
The Defiance Public Library recognizes its responsibility to maintain public records and to make such records available for inspection and reproduction.
In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, records are defined as any document, device, or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic created or received by coming under the jurisdiction of the Board or its employees, which is kept by the Board and which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities. Public records do not include patron records, medical and non-employment related personnel records, records the release of which is prohibited by State or Federal law, or any other exceptions set forth in R.C. 149.43.
Any person may inspect the public records at all reasonable times during regular business hours of the office in which such records are maintained. In addition, upon request a person may receive copies of public records, at cost, within a reasonable period of time. While the public records shall be promptly prepared and made available for inspection, a reasonable period of time may be necessary to review and redact non- public/confidential information contained in the record and/or to fulfill extensive or voluminous requests for copies.
A person may purchase copies of the public records upon advance payment of a fee for actual costs involved in providing the copy and mailing, delivery, or transmission. A person who chooses to purchase a copy of a public record may request to have said record duplicated on paper, on the same medium on which the library keeps the record, or any other medium on which the custodian of records determines that said record reasonably can be duplicated as an integral part of normal operations.
A Records Commission is established consisting of the Board of Trustees and Fiscal Officer, in accordance with law to judge the advisability of destroying records. The Commission shall meet each March, prior to the regular board meeting and as needed upon proper meeting notification.
Ohio Revised Code 149.011, 149.43
The Defiance Public Library provides a free wireless internet access point or “hot spot” for patrons with portable computers or devices capable of receiving wireless signals, during normal library business hours. These access points will allow users to access the Internet from their laptop computers when sitting within range of the access point. Library staff will provide general information on the settings necessary to access the Internet via these connections, but are not responsible for any changes users make to their computer settings and cannot guarantee that a user’s hardware will work with the library’s wireless connection.
The Library is not responsible for any changes you make to your computer’s settings, so please copy any settings before you change them. If you are not familiar with computers or networking, we recommend bringing someone with you who can help you configure your laptop. Staff are not trained or equipped to configure personal computers for users. The library staff cannot assist in making changes to your network settings or perform any troubleshooting on your computer. As with most public wireless “hot spots,” the library’s wireless connection is not secure. Information sent from or to your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software. Any information being sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. Wireless users should not transmit their credit card information, passwords and any other sensitive personal information while using any wireless “hot spot.” The library will not be responsible for any personal information (e.g. credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to your hardware or software due to electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.
All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection on their personal laptop computers or wireless devices. The library provides access only to Web-based email or through a user’s personal Internet provider. Printers are not available via the wireless connection at this time. If users need to print, they should save their work to a portable storage device (e.g. floppy disk) or wait to print a document on a home printer. An alternative is to email files to themselves, then login to a wired library workstation and send documents to the public printer. Use of the “hot spot” is governed by the Defiance Public Library Internet Use Policy. All users are expected to use the library’s wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided.
Defiance Public Library Board of Trustees
Approved August 28, 2007
Effective September 1, 2007
Revised September 27, 2017
Security cameras are in use where needed in library facilities to provide peace of mind to library users and staff for discouraging violations of the library’s code of conduct, to assist library staff in preventing the recurrence of any violations, and when necessary, provide law enforcement assistance in prosecuting criminal activity.
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of digital video cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded digital video images at the Defiance Public Library System locations.
- The Defiance Public Library System interprets digital video images as a library record per Section 149.432 of the Ohio Revised Code. These archived images will be treated the same as a library record and only released follow procedures outlined in Section 149.432 (1 through 5) of the Ohio Revised Code – Confidentiality of Library and Patron Records.
- Cameras may be installed in places where staff and patrons lack a reasonable expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the library such as entrances, book stacks, public seating, hallways, stairways, delivery areas, and parking lots.
- Cameras will not be installed in areas of the library where staff or patrons have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms.
- Signs will be posted at Library entrances informing the public that security cameras are in use.
- Cameras will not be installed for the express purpose of monitoring staff performance.
Approved 9/27/17